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Saturday, May 14, 2016

Complete Guide on How to Choose a Good Domain Name 2017

This is Complete Guide on How to Choose a Good Domain Name 2017. How to choose a domain name that is well and good are the most important tips for your new blog. It does not matter that your website or blog is intended for personal or business. A good domain name creates a good impact on your website / blog. When you are planning to start a new blog web site, it is probably the first thing to choose a domain name. If you want to get a domain name that is well and good, you have to know how you choose it. So the question is How tips on how to choose a domain name that is well and good for a blog?
Complete Guide on How to Choose a Good Domain Name

Here are some tips and tricks How to choose a best domain name

Choose a Domain Name That Simple

You should choose a domain name that is simple to your website or blog so that people can easily remember the name of your site / blog and they can understand it and type easily without losing spelling. You should try to choose a domain name with multiple characters because if your domain name is short, people can remember easily and also typed without spelling errors when they enter the blog and website. 

Your domain name should be easy to remember, so select a domain name that is related to your blog / site. There are a large number of languages ​​available in the world, but English is a common language, so try to choose a domain name that matches the English language, but if you want to create a website / blog in your country, then use the domain name language Your Country , You can choose a domain name that is relevant or appropriate to your native language, but for this reason you may lose a large number of international visitors who can not easily memorize your domain name because they are not familiar with your native language.

People always ask me that 'How long does the ideal characters for a domain name? "Did you know that? I think I do not know how long ideally, but I always advise everyone to keep their domain names with the number of characters as little as possible. You can choose a good domain name with 6 to 10 characters so that people can easily remember and memorize it. 

Choose the Right Extension

There are many domain extensions available and you have to choose the right extension for your blog / website. 

.COM: COM is one of the most popular domain extensions are used by millions of people and companies for their business websites and personal blogs. You can choose these extensions (.com) for each website type of business, organization website, personal blogs etc. If the extension is not available for the domain name you choose, then you can add some numbers or letters with a domain name that you choose as you choose but this domain is not available then you can choose or as What is your domain name is still available? If so, you can select alternate extensions such as .NET, .ORG or extension of your country (such as, .us, or others). 

.NET: .NET Also other popular domain extensions in the world. People generally use this extension when their chosen domain name is not available with the extension .COM. Some people and companies also use this extension to their business website or blog. 

.ORG: .ORG Domain names which are also commonly used by many people for their website. Many people generally use this extension to the website / blog of their organization and are also used for non-profit organization's website. 

.info: .info Commonly used for websites and blogs informative or personal blog. 

.EDU: .EDU Is one of the popular domain name extension for your website / blog of education and also for schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions.

Another extension: You can also use the other extensions like .biz for business websites, .TV for the television channel's website, .mobi for mobile related websites / blogs and .gov for government websites. If you want to get a good ranking in a particular country, then you can choose a domain name with the extension of your respective countries. 

Choose a Domain Name with Keywords and Phrases 

If you want to get a good ranking in the search engines for specific keywords, then you can choose a domain name with keywords targeted. This is really a good technique to get good rankings in search engines. If single keyword domain name you selected is not available then you can add a number or letter on the key word.If you can not find a good domain name with the extension .COM or with your business name, product name or brand name, then you can choose a phrase for your domain name. A domain name phrase generally does not include the company, brand or product your name, but this is easy to remember so that people can easily remember your domain name and type easily without spelling errors. One great thing about the domain name phrase is that it is not limited to the name of your company, even if the domain name is already taken by others.

The final word
  • Try to get a .com extension because people easily remember 
  • Try to select a domain with the targeted keyword, brand name, company name, business name, etc.
  • Make sure that your domain is simple and easy to memorize
  • Try to keep your domain name as short as possible
  • Avoid using a .xxx extension in the domain name if the site / blog instead of adult sites

If you are ready with the best domain name of your choice, the next step is to build a blog and then you have to know tips on how to get a lot of visitors for new blog.If you read this post (Tips on how to choose a domain name that is well and good) carefully, you no longer need to search the web blog or ask someone to choose the right domain name.

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Related : Complete Guide on How to Choose a Good Domain Name 2017